Sunday 5 October 2014

The Epiphany

You know when you reach a certain age and you find yourself needing to grow up? Well
I am at this point in my life. On my 26th birthday I realized a lot of things about myself
and not a in a good way I might add.  I mean at 26 years old I should have things in control, I should know who I am and what I stand for and what I plan to accomplish, but I couldn't see it. So after spending about an hour and a half crying my eyes out in my best friend car, I came to the conclusion that I am fat,​ ​broke and severely depressed. Don't get me wrong I have a good life, I think that I just got too comfortable with the things that I knew I c​ould ​change. 

Then I thought to myself “Khai” (Oh yeah that’s my name by the way lol) “Yes Self” I answered “Why do you think your fat, broke and depressed” and I could not answer it for the life of me.

I mean, I have friends I am quite social with a beautiful personality, funny as hell and have always been "The Fat Chick" in my group of friends and I was OK with that. I  have never ​tried​ to be anything other than me​;​I love food​ - I mean​ who doesn't​?​ I just think ​that ​my love for food has become a boyfriend​ that ​I just can't get rid of​,​which I think has contributed to me being fat LOL.

So if I could see these good qualities in me why does my life feel like it is in a state of chaos? I realized at that point I needed to change my way of thinking and put a plan into action. So I made a list and checked it twice (hence the Christmas reference lol) of things I needed to do and change in my life and I t​hought ​​would share it wi​th ​you guys.

 Khai's Lists 

. Lo​​se 90 pounds (Break up with my Boyfriend)
. Try to save around 10,000 dollars
. Cut off all my hair and go natural (which I have a ready done)
. Get a drivers license

Seems like a lot to accomplish in a year huh?​ ​Well I look at it like this ​- ​I may succeed or I 
may fail miserably but I ​would have at​ least tried​ and followed through with something for once in my life. 

So in the mi​d​st of me trying to change my life and finding out who I am​, ​I t​hought ​you guys might enjoy coming along on this crazy ride with me. 
​This blog has become my new diary​;​who knows what can happen​..all I know is ​I may inspire someone do something great​.. ​I m​ight​ annoy the hell out of my readers or you may genuinely enjoy it​. Either way I would have done something great​ - for me. 

Thanks for listening and reading
The chronicles of a  Funny, Fat and Fabulous chick  xoxo


  1. I am not sure you got the comments I just left. Khai, you are amazing! I make lists as well. They keep me on track and allow me to see my accomplishments and measure my efforts. Keep listening to your inner voice. You are a beautiful person inside and out.
    Love you,


  2. Really enjoyed it great read!

  3. You know what I learned Khai? that people don't think about us in the way we do or in the amount of thought that we do. I is comforting to know that it is just our brain playing tricks on us.
    Keep writing and sharing. And I know you are fabulous Miss Khai!
