Saturday 28 March 2015

Acceptance in the mist of my Mid-diet Crisis

Hello my beautiful people,

First of all let me wish you guys a happy new year and all the other holidays I have missed in these past couple of months lol (insert a smiley face)

As you guys can tell by my title I have gone through a bit of a mid-diet crisis, I know it sounds a little strange (don't judge me lol) I will explain. You see I suffer from a disease called part time motivation and yes I self diagnosed myself lol. I don't know what happen my first couple of months at the gym I was on fire workouts 4x weeks, eating good and I even knew the trainers by their first names and then all of sudden it stopped. My motivation for everything just stood still it was like I was frozen in time. Me and McDonald's started back our relationship lol and the treadmill was a word that disappeared from my everyday vocabulary.

So after a couple of weeks of putting myself down and feeling guilty I realized... That sometimes we need to step back and observe our situations. So for what it's worth it's never too late to change and be whoever you want to be, and live a life that your proud of and if you find that your not, find the strength to start over.

With that being said, I forgave myself and let it all go.  I decided that today i'm starting over and I'm back with a revegance lol.

The chronicles of a funny, fat and fabulous chickita.